Hey there...long time no see. Oh, right, it is me who has not been around. That would be because Friday I just couldn't take the old grind anymore and I packed up and headed forthwith to my point of origin in the closest parallel dimension...wait, that's a line from Ghostbusters. I meant to just say that I went to my hometown in Tennessee for the weekend. That means: no computers. I was just sitting at home with a sad iBook that couldn't do anything (it is a work machine so it has to have a keyserver to access Photoshop, Indesign, yada, yada, yada).
But that was fine, because I didn't really have time to write anyway. It was my grandmother's birthday, my best friend who I haven't seen in eons was in town, and my brother even came home from college to see me. So between that and drinking gallons of coffee with the parental units, I really didn't have much downtime. It was a great weekend- I hadn't realized how much I needed a break from work drama.
But now I'm back and ready to go...we head out tomorrow for Chattanooga for the basketball tournament- I am serving as the photog for the conference (don't be too impressed; that doesn't involved extra moolah), so I'm fairly jacked about it. Plus the ASN guys are broadcasting the whole shebang on Sirius (we have XM, but don't tell the Sirius people that), so that is a cool deal for them. Long week, but I'm packin' the mobile Mac, so I'll be much better about posting than I was over the weekend.
In a follow-up to my last post, my Tasha Yar picture got absolutely owned in that contest...dammit. Oh well. My creativity is probably running dangerously (or Dangeresquely) low right now, so I understand. But I did get to have dinner with the Chancellor tonight, so that was nifty. (that last part was apropos of nothing, but it seemed a cool tidbit)
I'm sure I'll be back to my cynical rants soon enough, but right now I'm too happy from a great weekend at home full of food, singing around the piano, introducing the I-Man to Napoleon Dynamite, and having someone interested in buying my old Jeep to be sarcastic. Next time, though. Oh, did I mention that it is snowing like mad right now? 8-12 inches overnight.
The Photo: Last fall at the Farm.
Currently listening to: One Toke Over the Line, by Brewer & Shipley