shiver tremor quake
bulging orbs attempt escape
vile furry bundle
This is the scariest picture I have taken in at least three days. It would be better if this dog had Candy Corns in its nose (a la kickinwitt) but the owner didn't know I was there and it would have blown my cover had I begun shoving fall confections up the dog's snoot.
Speaking of witt, the blogfight is over; in truth there was never a fight- I was just messing with him. He retracted his statements (although I personally found his words complementary) and went as far as to rename his blog with the name I had suggested from the beginning. So I also retract my statements: he isn't psuedo-intellectual- he is actually intellectual, and he doesn't auto-fellate- there is no possible way he's that bendy.
Currently Listening to: Feel Good, by The Gorillaz. This song \m/. Unfortunately it isn't released yet, so it can't rock my 'pod. Be sure to check it out if you like these guys.
Scrabble WOTD: STYGIAN adj. gloomy, hellish (Stygian was also the name of my bitchin' black sports car. She was sexy.)