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April 23, 2005



Oh Christ. I'm with ya. My work also freely ended up on the walls of Applebees. I was promised a free family meal as payment. I wasn't interested but took it anyway. I was to get an invite to grand opening AND a meal coupons in the mail. Neither were forthcoming. If you go to Applebees in Boone, look for a photo of a local high school track star on the wall near the bar. In a sharpie pen I wrote across the photo, " Applebees stole this photo from me. Marie Freeman" It is there. I promise, (unless they took it down). L, if you own the photo, DO NOT GIVE IT AWAY TO PEOPLE WHO MAKE A PROFIT! I don't care if they give other folks kids scholarships and stuff--make them pay to person who took the photo. It is only fair. Besides, they are taking away work from other photogs. Rant, rant, rant...


I think "make 'em biscuits, LeRoy!" will become my new catch-phrase. ;)

the old gray mare

Good grief! I wonder if large lady with questionable hygiene # 2 gives lessons in how to belch like that? Of course, think of the bright side...it could be worse. She might have farted!

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