I’ve been offline for a few days, working and doing other things, but I’m back now. Last night I went to the Chancellor’s Installation Gala, which was prettttty nice. We got to get all dressed up and hobnob with important people (and watch said important people get tanked). And did I mention that they had a chocolate fountain (two of them, actually) and a gigantic ice sculpture? Well they did, and I wonder seriously what the bill for the evening was for all the strawberries.
NOTE: I had this whole post planned about Martha Stewart Living, but something has taken its place- I’ll give you my thoughts on Martha later.
Considering that the last few posts have dealt with photography, it seems appropriate to put this in here. A few months ago, the proprietor of the local “restaurant chain with Star logo known for its yummy biscuits” (RCWSLKFYB) came to our department and asked for pictures of athletes and facilities for a complete renovation of the RCWSLKFYB. Seeing that they give us mucho sponsorship money, our marketing director said that was fine, and I gave the guy a CD full of my pictures.
Last night at the Gala, people kept coming up to me and telling me what a fantastic job I had done with all these pictures (I had not seen the renovated restaurant yet). So today for breakfast we decided to go to the RCWSLKFYB and see the pics for ourselves. It is true- they look really good. But the coolness of having a “gallery” of my work in another restaurant (there is also a good bit of my stuff at the local Applebee’s) was negated by the staff of the place.
The manager was a largish, greasyish woman who looked like she didn’t take any shit from anyone (evidently this was true). We got there at 10:54 (breakfast stops at 11:00) and ordered our biscuits. When the lackey cook complained that he didn’t “wanna make no more damned biscuits,” the manager spun around (no small feat there) and screamed at him, “There is six more minutes in breffast, make ‘em biscuits, LeRoy!”
There was only one of the biscuits that we ordered remaining, so she said she’d bring the other one out to us. No problem, right? 15 minutes later, and still no biscuit. Husband goes to get to the bottom of the biscuit mystery, only to be yelled at by the manager. When he returned several minutes later (food in hand), we could hear her bitching loudly about “pushy goddam people.” Then she started yelling at the staff to go “warsh the goddam bathrooms and clean up.” Customers are practically running out of the place at this point.
Waiting for the biscuit turned out to be futile because the outside was so greasy as to defy attempts to pick it up, and the inside was gooey and raw. Did we complain? Hell no, we did not.
But I did want to see the rest of my pictures (which had been blown up and beautifully matted), so I was wandering around, minding my own business, when “large female employee of questionable hygiene #2” comes towards me pushing a broom. As this woman passed, she spewed forth a belch of such amazing volume that two of the remaining patrons, sitting in a booth behind her, stopped eating and stared. On her second pass with the broom I guess I was in the way, because she practically barked at me, “Git out th’ way.” You can believe that I did.
It is now noon and I remain disgusted. I finally got my work displayed somewhere outside of my workplace, only to have it surrounded by the most low class and sickening group of humans I have encountered in quite a while. In a mere 12 hours we have run the gamut of class in this town: brushing elbows with the upper crust last night and then encountering just the crust this morning. There is an interesting social commentary in there somewhere.
Oh Christ. I'm with ya. My work also freely ended up on the walls of Applebees. I was promised a free family meal as payment. I wasn't interested but took it anyway. I was to get an invite to grand opening AND a meal coupons in the mail. Neither were forthcoming. If you go to Applebees in Boone, look for a photo of a local high school track star on the wall near the bar. In a sharpie pen I wrote across the photo, " Applebees stole this photo from me. Marie Freeman" It is there. I promise, (unless they took it down). L, if you own the photo, DO NOT GIVE IT AWAY TO PEOPLE WHO MAKE A PROFIT! I don't care if they give other folks kids scholarships and stuff--make them pay to person who took the photo. It is only fair. Besides, they are taking away work from other photogs. Rant, rant, rant...
Posted by: Marie | April 23, 2005 at 09:25 PM
I think "make 'em biscuits, LeRoy!" will become my new catch-phrase. ;)
Posted by: ViVi | April 24, 2005 at 07:00 AM
Good grief! I wonder if large lady with questionable hygiene # 2 gives lessons in how to belch like that? Of course, think of the bright side...it could be worse. She might have farted!
Posted by: the old gray mare | April 24, 2005 at 10:08 PM