This is it...I made it to 100 posts. To celebrate, I give you:
100 Things that make gnumoon a happy person (in no particular order):1.puppies 3.good friends 4.My Wacom 5.chillin' on my porch 6.Photoshop G5 8.pineapple socks Tic-Tacs 11.iPods 12.zombie movies 13.vacation 14.a job well done 15.hummus 16.Phish Food ice cream 17.Phish 18.Rush 19.The Beastie Boys 20.John Hughes movies (pre-Home Alone) 21.comic books 22.Invader Zim 23.concerts 24.taking pictures 25.skydiving 26.SCUBA diving 27.people saying, “Have you lost weight?” on a day when I’m feeling fat tubbing printing smell 30.baking 31.winning Fark photoshop contests 32.reading a great book 33.reading a trashy book 34.Peeps 35.mosaicking 36.Tolkien 37.sleeping in when it is raining outside 38.crossword puzzles 39.Scrabble 40.Wise & Otherwise (aka The GAME) 41.the feeling you get that last 5 minutes of a workout…it’s almost over! 42.Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 43.pulling into my driveway in Tennessee and being at home 44.splashing around in a pool (not technically “swimming”) 45.singing along 46.most animals, specifically raccoons, sharks, and reptiles 47.Sesame chicken with shrimp sauce 48.playing in the surf 49.wrestling with the Max abnormally high Midichlorian count 51. napping in the hammock 52. exploring new places 53. traveling 54.coming home from a long trip 55.getting lost 56.poking around in abandoned buildings 57.picking blackberries in the summertime 58.tubing down the Nolachucky 59.snowboarding 60.funny words (ex. "nifkin" and "spigot") 61.going to the lake 62.autumn- nothing like those “warm in the sun, cool in the shade” days of October 63.Halloween 64.Pumas 65.playing Charades 66.playing Gin Rummy 67.decorating the tree with my family 68.GRF and the I-Man. Funniest.Brothers.Ever. 69.hehehehe (in Beavis voice) 70.Classical music (esp. Firebird Suite) 71.road trippin with Ho-Dell and Dr. J 72.CounterPeeps/The Dividing Line buddies
73.DJ’s impersonations 74.quoting movies, shows, books, other people 75.The Dark Tower series 76.Oakleys 77.jumping on trampolines 78.carving pumpkins 79.VH1 Classic 80.Luzern 81.potato guns 82.awesomely bad horror flicks (Brain Dead, Anaconda, etc.) 83.writing fiction 84.filling out surveys games 86.Being southern (includes my love of Alabama’s “Dixieland Delight” and saying "Bless her heart" before I really trash someone) 87.making fun of people who are overly and overtly PC 88.making fun of pretty much everything else 89.sarcasm 90.stopping my car in the middle of the road to save an endangered animal sunning itself on the asphalt (mostly snakes and turtles) 91.quirkiness 92.a nice glass of wine or an ice cold beer 93.Vin Diesel movies (yeah, I hid this one late in the list) 94.doing nothing at all 95.riding roller coasters 96.plucking my eyebrows 97.learning the guitar 98.bonfire parties in fields (come to Tennessee if you wanna experence that) 99.blogging 100.lists.
What makes y'all happy people? Tell me...101. Feedback makes me happy! (You don't have to do 100...any number of things works)
Currently Listening to: Move On Up, by Curtis Mayfield
Quote of the Day: Something else that always makes me happy...KickinWitt to an unsuspecting waitress:
"Pardon me, but what are the dues for your turkey club?"