Hey- I’m back! Finally.
The project/presentation thingy went well yesterday, I think. It’s hard to judge one’s own speaking ability, but at no point did I break into tears or burp or anything like that, so I’ll take it. The best part is that it is OVER.
If you want to see the frozen winter wonderland we currently have outside, go visit BlueRidgeBlogger. The photo she took yesterday is damn near perfect.
Also- this picture to the left is for my friend who had never seen the “of salesmen!” episode of ATHF. That’s Geddy’s bassjet, btw.
And BHarb sent me this video…I hadn’t ever considered the fact that if you have children you get to torture them. Sweet. This is definitely a parenting tactic that I would employ.
Time to rant, this time on the subject of theoretical children. Prepare yourselves for some bitchin'...
Today we had the department-wide Thanksgiving dinner, which is nice and everyone brings food and we all pretend to be a big happy family. For me, it is an unspoken rule that everyone has to glance at my midsection and then inquire loudly “So, when are you going to have kids?” It annoys the crap out of me.
I wish wish wish I had the balls to say, “You may ask that question when my sex life becomes your business, you pervert.” The answer that I increasingly have to bite my tongue to stifle is, “None of your effing business.”
There is one guy, a guy who I rarely see or work with, who unfailingly will come up to me and ask The Question. Last time I saw him (about 2 months ago), he told me (in hushed tines, like it was big secret) that “raising up some kids” was the only practical reason for marriage and that I’d better get to work on that. Today, as I was leaving, he called out a chipper, “So, when are you going to give your husband some children? It’s your wifely duty, you know!”
In my imagination I wheeled around, introduced my kneecap to his crotch with a solid crunch and said, in a cheery, yet maniacal voice: “Oh, sooner than you will again, I imagine!” In real life I muttered something incomprehensible and walked out the door, scowling in a most fetching manner.
Why do people feel like this is an appropriate question to ask someone they don’t know very well? It offends me that co-workers assume that my life’s ambition, because I am a woman, is to spawn. And it further offends me that this asshat, who I don't even know, ALWAYS feels the need to push his outdated, puritanical beliefs on me.
Plus, it is an insensitive thing to ask someone- I know several women who have infertility issues, and while The Question pisses me off, for them it is emotionally painful to even hear it.
Please do me, and the hordes of married, childless women in the world a favor and DON’T ASK, unless you know them well. Because some of us are just about ready to spit acid in the face of the next insensitive question-asker. Get your damn questions out of my womb, the one I’m not currently using for any gestational purpose.