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January 27, 2006



Your comments on Life of Pi almost made me re-think my opinion - almost. The writing is very good and I did like much of the quirkiness and originality. But to me it just didn't hold together. I like the middle, don't care for the beginning and end. So I like half of it


I was surprised at how much I really loved Life of Pi. I read it a year ago and I still think about it. It really did presented a pretty good case for belief coupled with stunning writing.


I was surprised at how much I really loved Life of Pi. I read it a year ago and I still think about it. It really did present a good case for belief coupled with stunning writing.


I read it about 3-4 months ago, and alternately lovd and hated it. In the end I decided it was a very worthwhile book, and I always choose wonder and faith and animals when they are available. I loved (as you did) the wonderful flowing language and descriptions. The only parts I hated were the depictions of the tiger eating the other animals, but that is just life in action and I need to accept that, I guess.


P.S. I had forgotten about the Space Trilogy. I read it many years ago, and I think I need to drag it out again. Thanks for the comparison.

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