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May 24, 2006



Kinda red, but not all the way. A true redneck pours gas in the hole and lights it. I have a friend that did this. Duh.


If the carpenter bees get started on your home like they do on ours, you will be getting a lot of practice on your swing. Good luck. The exterminator told us we could spray them, but the next one would just find another place to bore into the house. So, we get them 1 or 2 at a time.


Ahhh, the satisfaction. I wonder if the racquet works on rattlesnakes?


Marie, if you want to try it on rattlesnakes I'm bringing my video camera. Esp. timber rattlers- they're sassy.


Carpenter bees are hard to get rid of. Don't try what I did: if you plug up their entry holes they will just bore another one to get out.

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