I've been really bad about updating this week- there is some serious stuff going on in my life right now that's disrupting my allotted 'net time. I'm sure I'll write about it all soon enough. But for today, let me share a little story.
There is a woman, the wife of a rich and influential man in town. I don't like or dislike her, but I've always considered her to be the "trophy wife" type, and as such we have little in common and don't deal with each other often. We knew that the couple was building a fancy-schmancy new house in the "gazillion dollar neighborhood du jour," but gave it little thought, as building new gazillion dollar homes to one up each other is what rich socialite couples do for fun around here.
Well, apparently the wifey was having trouble getting the contractor to call her back or address any of her concerns about the construction of the new digs, and was getting a lot of answers along the lines of "We'll talk to your husband about that, sweetie," and "You really don't need to worry yourself about those details." She got more and more annoyed as her concerns were continually not being addressed, and after months of being ignored, she took matters into her own hands.
So this local socialite, this classy lady who is always dressed *just so*, this woman who could buy and sell half the population of this uppity little tourist berg, walks into the contractor's office and stares him in the face. He says, "May I help you, ma'am?" She reaches into one of the side flap pockets of her cognac, notched-collar, one-button fronted Burberry blazer and pulls out a shining plastic dildo. She reaches over and places it on the contractor's desk and says, sweet as punch, "Now that I have one of these, do you think you can listen to me?"
I guess it's important to note that I added the detail about what kind of coat she was wearing, but a Burberry blazer seems as likely as anything else. The rest of the story is completely unaltered.
And it probably goes without saying that I have a new respect for this woman.
Spooktastic SOTD: Voodoo, by Godsmack. Sure, sure, Godsmack may be kinda lame, and may have, from what I've been told, the most boring live show in the history of live shows, but this is a great song. Sure, sure, the video may be kinda lame, but the song was the theme music for one of the greatest TV shows of all time.
ps- I am very disappointed with TV this Halloween season. There is a severe shortage of horror flicks, good or bad, on the tube over the past few days and weeks. The closest I could find was Cabin Fever on FX last weekend. If you haven't seen it, don't bother. What a disappointment to the genre.