Thanks all for your fun comments about my big gnews. (And Brent, "FJ" stands simply for "fetus jackson," which would make an interesting name. We have no "real" names chosen, and all the ones that have been suggested are of the uber-silly variety, like "Chauncey" and "Tito.") It's fair to say that I'm completely overwhelmed, and sometimes deal by just not thinking about it. I suspect this will become more difficult to do the more and more I resemble a grazing hippo.
And, because I can't have just one major life event going on, here's another: I finally quit my job.
Seriously, after months of thinking, complaining, whining, being pathetically emo, and being miserable, I quit. I'm joining another division of campus, to be part of a design team. Technically the position is Artist/Illustrator, so we'll see what all that entails on Nov. 16th, my first day. (My last day in athletics is Nov. 15. Quick turnaround, no?)
I have high hopes for the new job, because they seem to really want me to work with them. From what I can tell, they respect my work and are excited to see what I can add to their team. This "being appreciated" thing...that's not something I've ever run across in my current job, and you know what? It feels pretty damn good.
Of course, it wasn't an easy decision to make. For one thing, when I APPLIED for the job, I didn't know I was actually a "we", and found out in the interim, and then had to TELL the prospective employers... "Oh yeah, one other teeny little thing..." (They seemed okay with it. I guess they never had a boss who would plan her pregnancies around the busiest times of the year so she didn't have to work. Oh right, that was MY boss.)
And, despite all the hell I've been through at the current place of employment, it was hard to leave because I've been there forever. It's odd that I have such an attachment to the joint, since the last year or so has been so grueling and degrading. But I guess you just get used to things, good or bad, and learn to live with them. Hmm...I may explore this further later, when zee teensy fetus isn't demanding that I sleep.
So, to wrap-up: new addition, new job, perhaps getting a new car next week. Perhaps I fear change, so I cram it all into the same timeframe so I can deal with it.