My post today was going to be a fake spoiler ending to Harry Potter that involved changing out all the characters with characters from Star Wars and then having the ending basically be the end of Return of the Jedi. It was quite humorous. (To me, anyway, but let's remember that my daily life these days involves diapers, lactation, and the ability to find a paci before the meltdown crying begins. So I may not really be all that funny.)
BUT...I can't post that now, because I am too mad about something else. And I have been for days. (But I've been too absorbed in my parenting duties to write about it)
Michael Vick is a sick, twisted, degenerate, and I wish that his punishment could more closely fit his crime. Specifically, I think they should give him a taste of his own medicine and toss a toaster in the bathtub. All his money and athletic talent couldn't save him then.
So, #1: I'm angry that Vick is such a lowlife scumbag punk that he would use his money, power, and fame to feel like he was above the law enough to commit such horrible acts.
#2: I'm furious about those who stand to lose money if he goes to jail (NFL owners, retailers, and the like) playing the justification game about this situation. His impoverished upbringing caused this? Bullshit. He has more money than any of us will ever see- his disregard for life and his thirst to inflict pain and suffering on others caused this.
The only good i can see in this situation is that the feds are prosecuting. I know that Vick won't get the maximum 6 years in the pokey that dogfighting allows, but hopefully he'll do at least a year.
As far as football goes? The Falcons should cut him today, and the NFL should make as big an example out of him as they did out of Pacman Jones. (Too bad they'd singled Vick out as their new "Look! Pro footballers aren't all thugs" posterboy. They chose... poorly.)
Sorry- I know this post was badly written, but I only had a few free moments during Pookie's naptime to get this down and posted. Between grabbing a bite for lunch, writing this, and playing a bit with Max, it didn't leave much time for crafting sentences that perfectly expressed my disgusted outrage. So please pretend that this post was eloquently worded.
ps - I saw an interview where Vick said he was completely innocent and that people still loved him and wanted a piece of him. The interviewed asked "Will you be exonerated?" After about 15 seconds Vick replied, "No comment." Not that a lawyer told him not to answer...he simply had NO IDEA what the word "exonerated" meant. Good job with that education, Virginia Tech.
Since I am hosting Max for a few dog-spa days at my house, rest assured he is being pampered above and beyond the call of pampering because of your post. I haven't painted his toenails or anything, but he's played rousing games of sock ball in the backyard, eaten the finest food (not overfed tho...don't worry,) been on a gazillion walks, went on a car trip(YES!)to visit the G's and played in their backyard and has been patted and petted and stroked by every kid in the neighborhood. He has had a blast! So take that Vick, you slimy prick!
Posted by: the old gray mare | July 24, 2007 at 06:07 AM