It's all going much smoother around here these days. After 6+ weeks of parenthood, a new kind of normalcy is beginning to set up, and we seem to be getting used to it all. Of course, by the time I have it down to clockwork and it gets fun, it will be time to go back to work. C'est la vie.
The Pooks is sleeping mostly through the night, waking us only to demand sustenance and the removal of collected waste products. We're getting better at determining what makes her cry as well- what cries/whimpers/brays/squalls/vociferations mean "FOOD!," or "CHANGE!," or "SLEEPY BUT REFUSE TO SLEEP!" (The biggest thing I've learned in the past week is that sometimes she just wants to be NOT HELD DAMMIT. I was under the impression that crying babies always want to be cuddled. Not so- sometimes they want you to leave them alone with their thoughts.)
A friend said to me recently, "I was on your blog, and there for a while you were really down on the whole parenting thing." She went on to say that I was right- no one ever mentions the bad things about having a newborn. They'll make some flippant "Oh, I know you aren't sleeping!" comments, but no one gives the true answer. But in general, no one discusses how emotionally difficult the transition from "professional, independent woman" to "haggard zombovine" really is.
(Now, of course I understand that there are maternally gifted ladies out
there who take to parenting much easier than I have, and to those
people I wish to offer a heartfelt "kiss my no-sleep-getting ass.")
So I'm here to offer the truth as I have and am experiencing it. The most important thing to remember is that no matter how snarky or cynical it may come across here, I love my Pookie more than anything. I love the little smirky grin she throws my way when she wakes up and the way she grabs my finger with her toes while she's eating (and no, she isn't a baby orangutan. Baby humans just do things like that with their flexible little toes).
BUT, a lot of the things that come along with having a new baby, things besides the Bundle of Joy (BOJ) herself, suck thoroughly. And having a sense of humor about those things, and doing my part as a woman to inform other women who might not yet know, is just what I do. It's how I deal.
In other news:
- I think I'm back in the saddle as far as concerts go- there's a very cool opportunity for interview/photography coming up that may let me introduce my daughter to the greatest party band of all time. It T-I-S a great first show for her. (see what I did there?)
- A website I found that relates to my Old Life (TM)...don't ever ever believe what you see, or let it make you feel bad about yourself. I used to do work like this ALL the time.
Good for you! Women need to know the truth, and need to know that their feelings are normal and shared by women everywhere. The Ozzie and Harriet/June Cleaver/Donna Reed ideal of motherhood has to get tanked! It's just not like that! It's a relationship, and like all relationships, it evolves. You're a great Mom Leila! And an HONEST one!
Posted by: the old gray mare | July 29, 2007 at 10:36 AM
interesting link!
I have always enjoyed your snarky comments on life. I am glad things are getting better in your world.
Posted by: asterismos | July 29, 2007 at 11:57 AM
I *wish* you had been around when I had my first baby. :) I applaud you for being honest and putting it all out there. That BOJ of yours is too cute!
Posted by: gatorgirl | August 08, 2007 at 11:48 AM