This week was really fun at work. Despite having to, well, work, I think we're really coming into our own as a design team now that someone we know is onboard. The four of us seem to be getting along wonderfully (good thing, since our office is situated "in the round"), and in an amazing development that I have NEVER experienced anywhere, we can creatively critique each other with complete honesty, and NO ONE gets pissed off or gets their feelings hurt. That comes from knowing that your ability and work is not in question and that any criticism is given with respect.
It's great, and not at all what I'm used to- in my old job any opportunity to rip someone's work down was prized, because it made the ripper look better to the boss, who encouraged a predatory environment like that. Maybe that works for sports guys, but this setup is much more conducive to creativity.
We did one project this week that was pure fun: the annual Polar Plunge. And, Global Warming be damned, it was freaking f-f-f-f-reezing that day. The water temperature at the duck pond (you may remember that as "where the goalposts end up when they get ripped down following big wins") was 39 degrees. brrrrr. Suffice it to say, there were many sorority chicas jolted sober by the icy conditions.
Here's our gallery. The "photos by" part is my favorite.
Changing gears completely (although not completely completely, because we often listen to music at work), I have to admit something. Although my taste in music is somewhat eclectic, I tend to give Top-40 stuff a lot of shit. I want variation, I was layering, I want bandmembers to play their own instruments. I just hate overproduction- the current country & pop scene is so ersatz and "done," I have no idea what any of those people actually sound like.
All that said, I am a total sucker for a poppy little hook.
I love this song (great video too), and I sing it in the car, in the shower, to my poor innocent child who doesn't have the motor skills yet to get away from it. I love this song even though it has a talking part in the middle, which is generally the absolute kiss of death.
I also have hope that the new Paula Abdul stuff will be "sing in the shower-able." Yeah, I said it. So there.
(edit) OK, that Paula song is annoying. I listened to it a few times (remember my 3-song limit), and I don't like it.
I would agree about the Paula Abdul song. Not at all the quirky singalong tune that you'd expect. It really was far more about the dancing in the video than the song, and that wasn't so hot either.
Posted by: old gray mare | February 23, 2008 at 09:36 PM
I jumped in the Duck Pond and there was no exchange of money.
Posted by: joan | February 24, 2008 at 09:10 PM
It's so strange to see you use your real name instead of 'gnumoon'. I'm glad y'all were able to work it out to work together more often.
Posted by: gump | February 25, 2008 at 11:35 AM