When oh when will I learn that my child does not like to take part in my costumed shenanigans? Never, most likely. And my photos will continue to come out like this.
To be fair, the ones in her Easter dress turned out much better than this. But the longer we went on, the tireder and hotter she got sitting under the lights, and the situation degenerated quickly. Even after a quick nap her mood wasn't as light as it should be when undertaking a shoot that includes props and costumes - I pushed it when I shouldn't have.
She went apeshit when I added the "chocolate candy smeared on face" element to jack up the cute factor. In hindsight, I should have known better.
But I'm sure I've learned nothing, and I will try this shoot again tomorrow. I sure didn't sew a pair of fur undies with a cotton tail on them for nothing!
ps- Remember when I said I'd try not to blog as much about my kid? Turns out my pants are, as they say, on fire.
Your pants can burn all the way off - I like seeing her photos!!
Posted by: kenju | March 20, 2008 at 11:51 PM