I'm here! I haven't blogged in over 2 weeks, but I'm here. And all is well.
Let's see, has anything happened in the last 2 weeks? No? OK, then I guess I'm done.
Oh, the election. Right!
I'm not going to go on and on about it, except to say that I was tickled about the results. I sat on the couch watching the returns with DJ, and I cried a little bit with hope and joy. Yeah, yeah, I cried. The cynic. Point and laugh, you jerks. I don't care. I have a little iota, a modicum, a sliver of hope for my daughter's future and her country now, and I refuse to give it up. It was the first election where I've ever voted FOR someone instead of AGAINST them, and until he completely lets me down (if you comment and say "Oh, and HE WILL," I'll delete you and then block your IP. I have hope, and if you stomp on it, you can piss off) then I will suspend my sarcasmotron and my cynicalometer and let him do his job.
The day after the election, we showed Pookie a photo of President-elect Obama and told her who he was. She smiled a big cheeky, toothy grin and exclaimed "BAKAMA!" So, here's to you, President Bakama. May you have patience and fortitude in handling what is surely one of the worst jobs ever.
In other news, we had a game Saturday that goes down in my personal record book as "The most miserable I have ever been at a sporting event." If the first game of the season at LSU was the "hottest and sweatiest and closest to passing out while worrying about my camera getting fried," then Saturday was the "coldest and frostbittenest and closest to chattering my teeth out while worrying about my camera getting frozen." The contrast reminded me of the "Midnight Sun" episode of the Twilight Zone.
We had rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, gusting wind, etc. As miserable was I was, bundled up yet still getting drenched in the freezing and stinging rain, I cannot imagine trying to play football in conditions like that. Trying to throw the ball or catch the ball or run for any purpose other than to find shelter sounds like torture. QB Armanti Edwards took the whole thing in stride, of course, and he and the rest of the guys (esp. Lanston Tanyii, what a beast!) made me feel like a wuss out there whining about my numb fingers and fretting over my gear.
My hope was that the Appers would get the game well in hand early so I could make tracks to the house at the house and edit photos and drink rum cider while listening to DJ call the second half, but it was not to be, and I (and about 24,000 of my closest friends) stuck it out to the bitter end. The 'Lon had a chance to get a TD, then go for 2 for the tie, but luckily the ASU defense didn't like that idea much. As DJ had driven to Wilmington on Thurs night, called a bball game Friday night, then driven back to Boone in time to call the football game Saturday, I don't think he would have liked that idea much either.
- Got our first real snowfall here last night. This morning Pookie kept pointing out the french doors and saying "No? No?" She liked looking at the "no," but didn't trust it and didn't want to touch it.
- Tomorrow is DJ's birthday. I bought him a suit and a new belt, because I'm that exciting.
- The "MotrinMoms" effective shut down Motrin's website today for this condescending ad about babywearing. After 12 hours of uproad (on a Sunday, too), Motrin's VP is emailing moms and apologizing, and they're pulling the ads. It's been an interesting case study in social media and marketing, esp for those of us with advertising degrees. For the record, I didn't think it was offensive, just misguided. And it is nowhere in the vicinity of the black hole of advertising suck that is the Brooke Shields VW commercials.