We did Ghost Train last night...say what you will about the park being for kids, but that train is creep-tastic. We didn't actually ride the train this time, because I thought it might scare the little one. But we rode the carousel, the ferris wheel, did the Black Hole, rode the chair lift, danced to much of the piped-in music. It was a good time. And it reminded me, as it always does when I go to that event, just how much I hate ferris wheels. Pookie was snuggled into her little bat costume and wedged between mommy & daddy, so she didn't mind it as much. Aunt K joined us for dinner and the park; it was a good evening all-around.
When I got home I was shuffling through photos and I came across this, the most unintentionally creepy photo I have ever taken. As the Ghost Train was pulling away, full of souls bound no doubt for some nefarious end, a plume of steam (or smoke?) came shooting out the top of the engine and I snapped this shot, no flash, semi-long exposure. I thought nothing of it, but look in the steam. I swear it is no special effect orchestrated by the park or by me and photoshop. I haven't even touched this photo, except to crop it to post here. Creepy?
Here's the front of the train, in case you've never been there/seen all the billboards that crop up around here starting in August.
Very Creepy. Wow!
Posted by: Katie Bonk | November 03, 2008 at 03:04 PM
Posted by: Lovey H | November 03, 2008 at 10:13 PM
Creepy was the first word that came to mind. We all agree!
Posted by: Lani | November 15, 2008 at 06:52 AM