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March 06, 2009


Old Gray Mare

Sounds like a blast! Wish I was there too. Couldn't care less about the basketball but I'd have fun with Pooks.

Uncle Michael

Stick to your guns, dear one. I once pulled up beside a guy in a Porsche convertable sports car who looked at my old Chevy Blazer, which was brand new at the time, like it was a piece of trash. Boy was he surprised when he looked up to see me in my clerical collar saying out of my open window. "Sorry about your dick, man. Blessings on your shortcomings." Uncle Michael+


"But there is also much technical prowess involved, and when the art snobs and the tech snobs are the same people, it's can turn into the perfect storm of douchebaggery."

This has been my biggest problem with the photography community. I am not a professional and do not claim to be but the assumption that I am somehow pathetic, unworthy, stupid, or untalented because I use a mid-range Olympus is, at best, ridiculous. I have gotten to the point that I hate the in-person, "What camera do you have?" question because my answer is never the right one and that must be telegraphed to me by the questioner and then I must be dismissed as inferior.

Gah. Sorry.


Jane -
It's all attitude. A lot of those people who will judge based on such things have sad little lives that are somehow justified by expensive gear. They aren't really happy, and most of them aren't really good either.

Sorry you feel that way, though. As a very wise person once told me, "Don't let the bastards get you down."

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