Here are the shots of the cookies from last night, with me considerable more awake and adept with a camera. I'm going to change the name of the gallery over there to "Cookies," and add lots more photos there.
Bonus photo, "Cookies in Love":
Edited to add the
Spooky Song of the Day:
The Gonk. This is the ridiculous mall muzak that plays in the end credits of the original 1978 version of Dawn of the Dead. It's such an obliviously chipper piece, playing as footage of hordes of the undead stagger about their new world. I was such a fan of the juxtaposition that I once had this as my ringtone. Notice I said "once." Even as a huge stinkin fan of the genre, I couldn't stand it playing over and over, especially when I couldn't find the phone. Ugh. Still, great song.
(Note: with my new theme on the blog, you may not be able to see that the title of the songs are highlighted for linking to the song, or in this case, movie clip)
I am impressed with your cookies. In our early years of marriage we would spend whole evenings baking and decorating Christmas cookies (had no TV). Your fall ones are yummy , clever and worth. I have tins and tins of cutters of every size , shape and age.
Posted by: Mamaw | September 04, 2009 at 04:02 PM
geez you so need to open a bakery!
Posted by: Jen M | September 05, 2009 at 11:00 PM