Check out my fake macro project over on Flickr if you're so inclined.
OK, so I don't actually own a macro lens, but I really wanted to do some mega-close-ups. But, due to cheapness and the desire to do said project NOW, I improvised. I read somewhere that you can take a normal lens, flip it around backwards, and hold it up to your camera and shoot macro. Well, that sounded idiotic, but then I started thinking about how cameras work, and it started seeming plausible. So I tried it, and shock of shocks, it actually produced some neat shots. (And several very bad ones!)
Although not exactly prime shooting conditions (you know, physically holding the lens onto the camera while trying to focus and adjust all the settings), it made me feel like a pioneer. In a field where everything artsy, interesting, and innovative seems done to death, this completely bobo setup made me feel energized and excited to be shooting. There are only so many ways to shoot football, y'know? It was something by-god different. (ps- My "studio" consisted of 2 lamps and an end table with a black drape- faaaancy.)
I'm sure I'll eventually break down and buy a macro lens, to get actual good shots, but for now this has been sort of a little photo adventure.
While we're on the subject of photography, I had a new experience in the music photography biz today. After requesting passes to a show for next month, the publicist emailed me back and said that I was welcome to come shoot 3 songs then leave the venue. If I paid her $91. WTF?
Currently Listening to: Nothing in My Way, by Keane
(I admit that right before this it was I Write Sins Not Tragedies by proponents of both Hot Topic and unnecessary punctuation Panic! At the Disco.)
Currently Reading: Floating Dragon, by Peter Straub. I keep meaning to write something about Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk, which I read a bit ago. Maybe tomorrow.