- Perfect weather. oooohhhhhh it's nice!
- It is too sunny. Even though I'm in tent, it's so bright out here that photo editing besides cropping is virtually impossible.
<-This photo, for example...I know it is very strangely colorized, but I can't tell exactly how, so I can't fix it right now.
- Lots of dudes in skirts. Some are kilts, some are hiking skirts. I'm confused- I don't have the parts, but I'd imagine the balls, they sweat. Ew.
- Every year at this festival I discover a new band to love. So far the frontrunner this year is The Waifs, an Australian group.
- You can always tell when the "headliner" bands show up, because the nice tour buses appear in the gravel lot backstage. There's a lovely shiny shiny black and red one back here now, but I'm not sure who it belongs to.
- I underestimated the heat today. I'm not comfy in just pants and a pink tank top, but I might actually pass out if I was wearing my hoodie. Luckily my camera is really heavy, so it kind of makes my arms look muscley, even if the rest of me looks flabby.
- There are ZERO other female photographers besides me here. I keep getting weird looks from the crowd, and once I confirmed that there was no booger present, it occurred to me that I just look much different than the others. Oh well. Maybe if I was wearing a skirt I'd blend in?
- I just took a little break and sat and watched a band. It was very nice, but I of course ended up people-watching instead of band-listening. There is a high percentage of hippies here, and besides the usual hippie twirling-hula-hooping thing, I now notice little hippie babies. All hippies have babies; it comes with the dreds and earth shoes. (You can tie-dye a shitload of onesies with one box of RIT, by the way.)
So I was watching this one cute little hippie family and I started noticing things that didn't jive ... for example, they had this stroller that costs $1300. I know it does because I think I loudly mentioned it in the store ... "WHO would pay that much for a stroller?! How bourgeois!" (You know what irony is?) The parents also had on matching Merrills, a 3.0 Kelty pack (the $300 version to my $100 cheapo) and were snacking on uber-expensive local organic yogurt.
Ah, so not hippies, then. Trustafarians. Riiiight. These are people who ACT like hippies, but have the money to buy nice expensive things while pretending to be broke and not cowing to the Man. My town is overrun with them. Other tip-offs are: Brand new Land Rovers or Subarus, perfect straight white teeth, and lack of tattoos. Also any overtly stereotypical hippie behavior may help you spot them - it's an overcompensation mechanism. LOTS of patchoulli? LONG dreds? INORDINATE amounts of body hair? The tendency to loudly write off Trey Anastasio because he "like, sold out the rest of the band"? These are all signs to look for.
There is nothing wrong with TFarians, by the way, but those who don't know what to look for might mistake them for something different. I'm just providing a public service, you see. Their kid was 100% adorable, and incredibly well-behaved, so they are doing something right.