At any rate, here is my latest set, the mad scientists. It's October, and I'm in full Halloween mode. (Also, I've finally found the proper use for a fisheye lens.)
It's also possible the whole thing was an excuse to buy dry ice and make fake brains.
More photos are in the "Cookies" album over there ---->
They Might Be Giants are big in our house. Have been since the days before Pookie, but we listen to them most consistently now, because it falls into that rare category of "stuff everyone likes to listen to without wanting to poke pencils in their ears." The stellar "Here Come the 1-2-3s" and "Here Come the A-B-Cs" are perennial favorites, and they are now being joined by a third album (this is where a bad sports writer would try to sound smart by using the word "trifecta" without any reference to a horse race). Our copy of "Here Comes the Science" is, I am assured by, even now making its way up the mountain, where it will be voraciously devoured by our little music nosher, over and over and over again. (Aside: as it's about science, here's hoping the word "miasma" is involved. I love that word.)
The video for "I am a Paleontologist" is great, and we've already committed most of the song to singalong in the car status. Have you ever heard a 2 year old say "pachycephalosaurus?" It's hilarious. The video inspired these cookies, made with leftover dough during this week's "FIRST HOME GAME CRAZINESS." In a world of black and gold butterfly cookies, helmet cookies, football cookies, not to mention the GIGANTOR BLOCK A COOKIE THAT ATE CULLOWHEE, these guys were a fun little diversion.
Note to any actual paleontologist who might read this blog (I know you're out there, Ross Gellar wannabes), I am well-aware that there is nothing skeletally correct about these cookies. That poor T-rex wouldn't even be able to move his leg, as I completely neglected to give him a knee or tibia. He's all femurs and teeth (and of course those ridiculous little arms). And I think it's been decided that the T-Rex didn't actually stand upright like that, but instead pitched forward more, and his tail stabilized instead of drug on the ground. Ross? Wanna pipe in and help me out here? It's a flaw in the cookie cutter (not one of my designs, it was in a set of 101 random shapes), perhaps I should demand my money back.
I will post my ASU Gameday cookies later, they deserve their own entry, if for no other reason than how silly they are. I'll be hosting a tailgate for the first time ever on Saturday, and I want it to be good, dammit. I've ordered bar-be-que (no time for cooking, there are cookies to be made!), bought cutesy napkins and plates and accessories, and of course there will be cookies. More on the upcoming blur of a weekend later!
For your viewing and listening enjoyment, may I now present They Might Be Giants with "I am a Paleontologist." {note: I heard there is some controversy about this album because it discusses *gasp* evolution and scientific facts. It's about science. Duh. In my opinion, those who would protest this album do not deserve to listen to something as special as TMBG.}
Be sure to look for the pachycephalosaurus doing the Roger Rabbit at 2:22!