I'm just getting back into town from this weekend's festivities, so I'll blog all about them manana...right now I'm responding to Marie's meme "tag. " (She said that I was cool, but I think my answers may prove otherwise.) Now, I'm not at all savvy about these things, and this is officially my first meme, and yes, I had to look it up. Here we go:
1) What is the total number of music files on my
computer? Not sure- I have music on three different machines.
2) What is the last cd that I bought? Permanent Waves, by
Rush. It was an upgrade from the tape that I’ve had since middle school. Mostly everything I have now is in MP3
format, so I don’t buy many CDs.
3) What is the song playing right now? "United States of NOOOOOOOO!” – This is the funniest
thing I have heard in a long time. If Vader’s “Noooooooooooo!” in Episode III
made you giggle despite yourself, go check it out. If you haven’t seen it,
this mash-up parody of "United States of Whatever" won’t make much sense, sorry.
1. Resist (Live, Rush in
2. Blame It On Me – Barenaked Ladies…Great moody song, plus
it includes the line “Absence makes the heart grow fungus.”
3. Miles from our Home – Cowboy Junkies…it was hard to
choose between Cowboy Junkies songs- it was either this one or “Ring on the
4. Everybody Knows – Leonard Cohen…what a voice. This song
has also been a favorite since middle school. I find things I like and stick
with them, evidently.
5. Spit on a Stranger – Pavement. One particular night in
college I must have listened to this song a thousand times back-to-back. I
think of it in conjunction with 2-liter bottles of Ginger Ale. (yankeebastard, do you remember that?)
I am passing this meme on to Kickinwitt, Tom C., Cecily, and Echols.